Wednesday, March 9, 2016

How to Create a Fan Bun | Updo Hairstyles

We're going to show you how to do what we're calling the CGH fan bun. Now this one's a great hairstyle for a second or third day do, or just a day like today with Brooklyn, where you're just wanting to hang out in your t-shirt and some comfy jeans. You can see Brooklyn's-- show them your arm. She had surgery this week, so she's still recuperating from all of that. So simple do's are perfect for her. So let's get going. Now you can see that we've started her hair just in a ponytail. We don't want it too-too high on her head. Just kind of right at the very back point of her head. And we're going to take the ponytail holder and just give it a tug like this to loosen it, just a couple inches away from her head. And then you're going to reach in and sort of make a hole, like you're going to flip the whole thing inside out. You're going to flip this up. Reach two fingers through the hole. I like to use my thumb and pointer. 

It's just easier for me. And grab the hair. Now when you grab the hair, you want to make sure that you leave this bump right here sitting here. You do not want that to come through. You only want the ends of the hair to fall through the hole you just created. And you're going to take this and give it a tug to tighten that elastic back down again. And you're going to fan the hair. And you can make this as big or as small as you really want. I just like it to fan until you can see that it just kind of flops on it's own to the sides. Back here with this, we're going to just comb out the ends. Divide it in half. And wrap one side up like this, and around the base. And then secure the ends with a bobby pin. Then I'm going to do the same this side. Strap the hair up, and around. And take it and hide it with bobby pins. And then you can just pin as needed to make sure all those ends stay put. 

Go ahead and give this all a big tug again. And then I'm going to take it and tug those sides down to bottom part of her hair. And just grab the edges of them and bobby pin those down as well. And you can flip to the front and anything you're concerned about-- she has some layering in her hair, so I'm just going to put a bobby pin or two right here in the front to help hold all those pieces in. :00 You can also use a little bit of spray wax to just help secure. Everything Keep it laying nice and flat. And you're finished. Let's do the final spin. Do, do, da, do. 

What did this hairstyle take? Like 30 seconds? Yeah, like a minute. The funny thing is, today I'm getting kind of like Audrey Hepburn vibes with it. Totally like fanned so perfectly. But normally I really do-- like, I wear this to the gym. And instead of bobby pinning the ends around, I just tuck them back into an elastic, and it looks like a great gym do. This one today, I feel like you could put on a dress and it would look really cute. So I guess it's dress up, dress down. You get to choose. It's cool. But it's super simple either way. It's a simple world. Easy, easy. So be sure to give this video a thumbs up. Leave a comment below if you've ever had to have a sad surgery like Brooklyn. I know. Poor thing. And be sure to go check out their latest video-- well, it's not your latest video, but it was the funniest video. It was pretty funny. It was a end of the school year what's in our backpack-- Tag-ish video. And it was pretty funny to see some of the crazy things Bailey

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