Monday, March 21, 2016

How to Make Thai Tea - easy recipe

Greetings my lovelies! Hi, it's Emmy. Welcome back to another "Emmy How-To Recipe." Today I'll be making a beverage and it''ll be " this beverage. And this is Thai ice tea. And this is the perfect drink for summer; so summer is ending here but those of you in the Southern hemisphere summer is about to start, so get yourself some Thai iced tea. All right! So let's go in the kitchen and I'll show you how it's done. So the ingredients that you need are some Thai tea powder.... some evaporated milk... sugar... water... and you'll need some ice later. Bring four cups of water to the boil on the stove top and then add 1 cup of your Thai teapowder.... Stir to combine and then bring the whole mixture to a boil. Then add three quarters (3/4) of a cup of sugar. 

Then reduce the heat and allow to simmer for about three minutes. After three minutes take the tea off the stove and allow to cool completely. Next we need to strain the tea concentrate. This is traditionally done with a tea sock " but I didn't have one so I'm just using the strainer. Use any kind of strainer you like; I'm just using the tea infuser. At this point you can store the tea concentrate in a jar in your fridge and it'll keep for a couple days; and this is enough to make six or eight cups of tea. When you're ready to serve, get a tall glass; fill it with some ice cubes; add some tea concentrate " about two-thirds of the way up your glass.... and then top with a generous glug of evaporated milk... add a straw, and you are ready to enjoy! All right. 

Let's give the finished tea a taste. Konpai! Mmm! Sweet! and milky! and rich! and that very unique, specific Thai tea flavor... vanilla, and a little bit " spiced! Cardamomy? I don't know " delicious is what it is. And what I like about this recipe is that while it's sweet, it's not overly so, especially when the ice melts a little bit " it's the perfect amount of sweetness for me. For those of you that can't have dairy, you can easily substitute coconut milk soymilk, or whatever you like. I like evaporated milk; but half-and-half is lovely too; whole milk is great too; but " yeah " feel free to make it your own; this is your Thai tea after all. All right. So while we're on the subject of tea, let me know in the comments below what yourtea of choice is. [Blub, blub, blub, blah, blub.] My son's tea of choice is water " which he's gargling. And while my baby gargles in the background.

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