Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s Meal Plan (426 GRAMS PROTEIN!)

Today we're going to smell what The Rock is cooking. We're going to take a look at Dwayne The Rock Johnson's meal plan as most recently published in Muscle and Fitness Magazine, and not just look at it because you guys probably can do that on your own. I want to help you to look behind the meal plan to see what the pros and the cons are and what's the practical and maybe some of the impractical things that we can learn from how The Rock eats. Now, most recently I had a chance to meet up with The Rock in the corridors of Wrestlemania 31, and I can tell you this, the guy is as large as life as he appears on screen. He is a big dude. He eats a lot of food to make sure that he maintains the size that he has. However, there are some things that stand out right off the bat.

The first thing I want you to see is, yes. He is eating multiple times a day. He is eating 7 times a day according to the meal plan. And are these always accurate, guys? Probably not. I mean, there might be embellishments. They might not be exactly how he eats every day, but this is what's published, and this is what we're going off of. But there is a lot of cod on here. You can see, there's 10 ounces of cod in meal 1, 8 ounces of cod in meal 2, 8 ounces of cod in meal 4, 10 ounces of cod in meal 6. That's a shitload of cod. That's 36 ounces of cod. Now, why is he choosing cod? I think if we look a little bit further on down the plan, we see that he takes supplemental, 2 tablespoons of omega-3s daily. Well, I think he's trying to have the cod for 2 reasons; for a great protein source.

There's 180 grams of protein in that cod alone, but there's also an additional 2 1/2 grams of high grade omega-3s. Now you guys know where I stand on omega-3s in terms of their ability to speed up muscle recovery and help us to recover from hard workouts. We know The Rock trains hard. He's obviously trying to get that additional benefit from his omega-3s, so he supplements with them, but a key point of this, as we talked about before, you'll never get enough of your supplemental amounts of something like an omega-3 or even like creatine, from the food alone that you eat. And he understands that because he is again taking supplemental omega-3s even though he's eating 36 ounces of cod. You're probably not going to eat anywhere near 36 ounces of cod, so you would be even more so have to supplement with omega-3s if you were trying to get the benefits from omega-3s. The next thing I think we should take a look at is, there a hell of a lot of carbs on here. And what I did was, as we do with our ATHLEAN XFACTOR Meal Plan, is I color code everything.

I color code it so you can easily identify quickly what the source is, the primary sources of these foods are. So our brown ones are our complex carbohydrates. Our greens are our fibrous carbohydrates. And our reds are our proteins. It makes swapping them in and out very, very easy in our meal plan. It's one of the things that guys say they like the most. However, you see a hell of a lot of carbs here, a lot of complex carbohydrates. Two cups of oatmeal, 12 ounces sweet potato, 2 cups of rice, 2 cups of rice, 2 cups of rice, 6 cups of rice. So, can we not have our fear of carbohydrates, guys? Can at least we listen to The Rock as I've talked about here plenty of times that we should not fear our carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are one of the primary sources. it's the primary source of our brain's fuel. We need to at least fuel our brain, but we also realize we have to fuel our workouts. We have to fuel our body. This is the preferred source. We need to make sure that we are not fearing our complex carbohydrates. and certainly The Rock does not. Make sure you take a notice of that. Thirdly, as I said before, there's a lot of protein on here.

Matter of fact, if you add it all up including his supplementation because he does supplement, and that would be the next thing we talk about is, there are 426 grams of protein in this day of The Rock's. Now, again, some of it comes from supplementation. He has a whey protein shake after working out. Casein protein shake at night along with other things, 10 egg-white omelette and more vegetables. Again, casein protein, a great slower-digesting protein that is perfect for recovery later on at night, exactly the formula we use for our reconstruction in our RX Supplements. For me, I think the key thing, the key take-home point is that there's protein in every meal, and that is something I definitely think that you should aim for. Fourth, we start having some of our cons now. Some of the cons are, this could be pretty damn cost prohibitive. At 36 ounces of cod, if you take an average, a national average, for cod of $7 a pound, he's got about $15 or more of cod every single day. Then we've got our chicken, 8 ounces of chicken and 8 ounces of steak, those come out to be about $3.50 a pound on average and $5.50 a pound on average. It adds additional weight.

I comes out to be about $22 or $21 in his protein alone. You throw in his supplementation. He's at about, let's call it $25 a day, for a whole entire month you're looking at $750 a month. Now, can The Rock afford it? I'm sure, ok. But that's not the point. Can the average, everyday guy afford it? Can he afford a scaled-down version of this? I don't know. It gets to be pretty difficult, again, when you have all this food, all of this food, when you can easily, and sometimes get there a lot more cheaply via supplementation. So, again, this type of plan might be a little bit difficult for some, but I'm just at least laying it out for you. The final thing I think is, is this time consuming? And here's where I think the thing that you might think it is, is actually not so bad.

Because, yes, we know he's not preparing this. Likely, he's got somebody preparing it for him, but the cool thing about it is, with all this replication of food that he has here, the cod, all this cod, the steak, right, all this rice, 2 cups of rice here, 2 cups of rice here, 2 cups of rice here, all the veggies, the veggies, the veggies, all this is very consistent. I've been preaching to you guys for a very long period of time. If your meal plan is not practical, and it's not something that you can actually replicate and continue to do day after day after day? Then you're never going to stick with it. If you think that they come every single time at meal 2 and prepare a cup of veggies and some rice, and then come back later on and prepare a cup of veggies and some rice, and then come back later at night and they're cooking fresh a cup of veggies and some rice, you're insane.

There's no way that they're doing this. What they're doing is, they're cooking in bulk. And if you cook your foods in bulk, you will find that you will unlock the key to consistency. Now, is it boring? Yes, if all you eat is this. And that's another thing I stress. With our meal plans, we don't want you to be bored because boring foods is another way to cause you to have no consistency because you're going to give up on it very quickly. So if we can combine a breadth of choices and give you lots of choices to pick from, but then show you ways that you can cook in bulk so that you can do this, and prepare everything for a week's time, and pick from them and swapping it out as I told you before, that's something that you're never going to get bored of. You're actually going to enjoy, and you're going to be able to have the ability to do it all at one time and not have to take up all your time during the week, ok. So, it's another key point. So there's a lot of stuff here we could learn from The Rock's meal plan, but again, we should just learn from it.

I don't think we should be copying this because again, this is something that works for him at his size and it may not even be exactly what he's eating. But I think if we can base some of the key points here, and start bringing them into the way that you eat, then we can give you a game plan to do the same thing. At least start getting some significant results by eating the right nutrition. Guys, nutrition is a key part of what we do here at ATHLEANX. As I've talked about, the ATHLEAN XFACTOR Meal Plan is included in the ATHLEANX Training System. You can get that at ATHLEANX.COM. In the meantime, if you like this behind-the-scenes look, you always like the nutrition videos, if you like the behind-the-scenes look at The Rock's meal plan, make sure you leave a comment and some thumb's up below. And I will continue to do the videos that you guys like to see.

I am just someone who likes to write,especially writing about diet programs. Thanks For Reading My Blog

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