Saturday, March 19, 2016

VADIP: Veterans Affairs Dental Insurance Program

A healthy smile is a powerful thing protecting the nation's leading dentalbenefits provider.Hello and welcome to Delta Dental's Veterans Affairs Dental InsuranceProgram commonly referred to as VADIP.We appreciate your interest in the program, but more importantly yourservice to the country. This brief presentation will tell you all you needto make the best choice about the new dental benefits available from us atDelta Dental to youFirst let's tell you a little bit about us.

Delta Dental was started almost 60 years ago by a group of dentist whose solemission was to take care of people's oral health at an affordable cost. We've helped hundreds of millions of people maintain and improve theiroverall health.

For the past 27 years, we've had the honor and privilege of working with theactive duty, reserve, and retired members of the Uniformed Services and theirfamilies through the TRICARE dental programs. Now we are pleased to offer youa dental plan created just for Veterans and CHAMPVA family members. The wait isover! One of the things that you might be wondering is "Am I eligible?" The easyanswer is - if you are enrolled in VA healthcare or in VA's Civilian Health and Medical program, then you're eligible. If you're not sure of your enrollmentstatus with the VA, simply visit one of these sites to verify eligibility.Now that we have established that you're eligible for the program, then next thingto consider is which the three plan options fit you best? Do you just visitthe dentist twice a year for your routine cleanings in exams? If so, theStandard Plan might be your best option. With an average monthly premium of only$15, you'll get routine services such as cleaning and exams and other greatdental benefits for about the price of a movie ticket and a box of popcorn. Or,maybe in addition to having your routine services taking care of, you anticipatepossibly needing a simple tooth extraction in the near future. If that isthe case the enhance plan would be ideal for you. For the enhanced plan theaverage monthly cost is only about $21 about the price of a large specialtypizza and drink. 

Then once you've been enrolled for 12 months there is coveragefor root canals and gum surgery too. If you're somebody can meet all of theseservices, plus possibly a crown, implant or denture as well, then the ComprehensivePlan is definitely the one for you, as these Major Restorative services, aswell as, the root canals and gum surgery are covered after only a 12 month waiting period.The average cost is only about $37 per month less than a tank of gas.The bottom line is this is YOUR program and it's YOUR choice. 

We want you to besatisfied and well taken care of and only you know what works best for you.Click on the following link to view the benefits table, to help you review youroptions and make your choice. Which ever Delta Plan you choose the good thingis that both your mouth and your wallet will smile. The premium amounts doslightly vary based on your zip code, so please make sure you check out the ratecalculator on our homepage for your specific premium.Now that you know that you're eligible, and they have a good idea of what planoption works best for you,the next big question usually is "What dentists are available to me?" With a largenetwork that is nationwide, finding one near you is is easy as clicking thislink. When you visit a Delta Dental PPO network dentists you have ZEROcost-shares for your routine cleanings, exams, and x-rays! And you will never be charged formore than your cost share for any other services rendered.So, when visiting in Network Dentist, it means huge cost savings for you and evenfile your dental claims! While we can go on much longer about the Delta DentalVADIP program and the tremendous value that it represents, we think you get theidea.Dental care is Delta Dental's specialty - it is all we do and all that we've everdone since we pioneered the dental care industry many years ago. We have beenproud to serve the active duty, reserve, and retired military communities formore than a quarter of a century and are thrilled that we can now serve ourVeterans and their CHAMPVA family members as well! You have certainlyearned these benefits, and Delta Dental is proud to offer them to you. Don't loseany more time. Click on the enroll now button on our home page to enroll withDelta Dental today and be on your way to better dental health!Thank you for your time and again for your service!

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