Tuesday, March 1, 2016

What To Eat To Build Lean Muscle: Breakfast

Hey guys, it's Jeff from athleanx.com and I wanna wish you a good morning from my kitchen. I know it's probably a little bit different from what you're used to...me in the gym...but this is just as important, this is where it all starts. We know that nutrition plays a large part in how we develop our bodies, right? So the first place to start is with the first meal of the day: the crucial breakfast. So I wanted to let you see what I eat, 'cause I know a lot of you have sent me questions, you want to know how I start my day. Here you have it, it's really simple. Oatmeal, some skid milk, you can mix them together... 

But that's probably a bit bland. You probably tried it at some point and ditched it, because you just don't like it. You feel like it's got no taste. There's plenty of ways to make this stuff taste better and here's what I personally do and don't be overwhelmed by the amount of stuff here on the counter. I happen to live with a wife who knows how to cook, so there's gonna be a lot of stuff in here that you probably don't have in your kitchen. But it doesn't mean that you can't get it and you can't get it inexpensively. Go to places like Costco and BJ's and you'll find that you can get these things in mass quantities at very low prices. For me, my spice absolute is cinnamon. 

I have to have cinnamon in here to spice things up a little bit and I also throw in some vanilla. What I would do in the morning, I'd buy all these things. But if you wanna spice things a little more, some sprinkler brown sugar, a little bit of pumpkin pie and then some sort of a nut...I like walnuts, you can use almonds. What you do very simply is pour your oatmeal in here...maybe half a cup or so, maybe somewhere in that range... I don't measure anything, guys...you'll see, the meal plans for ATHLEAN-X are very, very simple. I like to think that they're guy friendly. You just mix everything together. If you're eating the right foods, you don't have to worry so much about the portion size, you can trust me on that. The oatmeal goes in here, skid milk covers it up, mix in a little bit of spice...a little bit of vanilla, a little bit of cinnamon...mix it all together, throw it in the microwave for 6 minutes and that's it. Now one other thing that I've used before and that I really like is canned pumpkin. I know it might sound a little bit strange, but you mix canned pumpkin in, it has a lot of fibre..it adds a lot of nutritional value to the meal and it tastes really, really good. That would be the first thing. Then I go over here and I move on to my protein.

If you remember, I said you should combine protein and carbohydrates in every single meal. For my protein, I'm an egg white guy...I'm an omelette guy... So what I'm gonna do is take just my non-fat cooking spray, pour it in, take the egg whites, put them with some salsa...again, something spicy to add some flavor...we can just eat egg whites, but that's probably a little bit bland. ...and then maybe a little bit of hot sauce, whatever you want...some seasoning, some chilly pepper, stir it all together...put it in the microwave for four minutes and you're ready to go. Now you don't need to stay here 10 minutes and wait for all this to be cooking. You could be doing something else here. I'm gonna use the magic of the video here and I'm gonna come back and show you how it all looks like. Ok, so here we are 10 minutes later. Everything's done, everything's cooked. Why don't you come closer and take a look? You've got a bowl full of oatmeal here...again, this one has pumpkin in, so it's all mixed up. I poured myself a glass of milk.

I have my egg white omelette with a little bit of salsa on top, in addition to the one that was mixed up with the egg itself and that's it, guys. I mean, I'm certainly not starving myself. There's a lot of food here. It's the way I start every morning, it's the way you should start every morning. Now this is not the only meal you can have. As those of you who know, who have purchased the ATHLEAN-X training system, we have at least 10 different meal options for breakfast...all different meal options for breakfast, lunch, dinner and it's all done, spread out for you over a 90 day period calendar. So you'll never get bored with the variety and you'll never be at a loss for a meal and not understanding what you should have that day. It's all spelled out for you, but I wanted to give you a little peak inside my kitchen to show you exactly how I start my day. No one's around to come by, but I do have my two little black labs...there they are, they're scavenging right now. If anything drops on the floor from my breakfast, I already have my little vacuum cleaners to clean up after me. So guys, if you haven't already, head over to athleanx.com, get the training system that's gonna build your body the way you want it for 2010 and supplement that with a diet that's gonna make it work for you. Go to athleanx.com right now. I'll be back, we'll continue with some more of these nutritional videos. I know you've all been asking for them, I'm looking forward to bringing them to you.

I am just someone who likes to write,especially writing about diet programs. Thanks For Reading My Blog

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