Saturday, March 19, 2016

Sport, Exercise and Health

We've got something for everybody - three main facilities.We've got the Indoor Sports Facility here which hasbasketball, badminton, volleyball, trampolining,anything you can do indoors, you can do at this facility.The main gym is here as well.And we have a sports medicine clinic, so if you are looking for adviceto stay injury free or to treat injuries,we have that opportunity in this building.We've got a swimming pool as well which is a 25 metre pool,which is in the basement of the Student Union building, so 5 minutes walk fromthe central campus. 

And the Coombe Dingle Sports Complex which is in Stoke Bishop,about 3 miles away, close to the halls of residence, is where all the outdoorsport takes place. Football, rugby, cricket, lacrosse, tennis etc.If you're a total beginner or return-to-exerciser,we've got a really good programme of Just Sport,UBU Active which is allowing people to try sports for the first time.We've got a whole range of intra-mural sports so,first year students, who are in halls in particular, will put teams together to play against each other. 

A great way to meet people for the first time and have fun.We put on the Freshers' Fair which is an absolutely huge event,where all the freshers have a look at all the societies, all the sports we have to offer. It's really huge. It's where they sign up, it's where they see sports they didn't even know existed, exist. It's really cool.We've got a competitive level of activity as well,which is the BUCS sports programme, which is inter-university level.Wednesday is kind of key sports day. Everyone plays their BUCS fixtures.We send them on coaches to all corners of the country. You'll have a quidditch tournament on the Downs. 

There's zumba classes on,there's spin classes, there's martial arts going on in the union.There's genuinely anything you want to do at university, you can do here.And those who are competing at junior or full international levelwill be part of our High Performance Programme.The High Performance Squad gets gifts in kind -physio, osteo, pilates -and other services to do with sports medicine.And also they get free clothing,sports psychology, nutrition,and they have a mentor to make sure they are handling their studiesas well as their sport.There is a major transition from school to senior playing,so they're really well looked after.And each one is individually catered for.And then there are a whole programme of exercise classeswhich are not related to sport. They are just basically there to keep you healthy. We're also working with the halls on a Healthy Halls programme.So that will give them good advice and also really good nutritional choicesto try and keep them healthy.University of Bristol students are an incredible bunch of students.They get heavily involved in a wide variety of community-led programmes.

And in the sporting world, what we try to do is to encourage our students to take the Community Sports Leader award.And we then help place them into programmes outside of the university,whether it be through schools, events or programmes such as the Olympics GamesMakers. In 2012, we closed the central campus roadand we invited not only our studentsbut also schools from the local community to come in and have some fun,meet our students, try some sports they've never tried before.Just basically have a good time and go away with a smile on their faces.We also try to highlight the sort of employability angleof what they're doing through sport.Within sports clubs, which are student-led,they will have the club captain, they will have team captains,they will have treasurers and secretaries.So they are preparing themselves for certain roles beyond life at university.The skill that goes with being a captain is really important to future employers. There's so much more than just the performance of the sport itself.Friends and trying new things. Testing your boundaries.If you come to Bristol, you'll get so much support, so much help.Everyone's so friendly. You get everything you need.Go for it! Honestly, just do it. If you don't like it, you can leave itbut you don't want to come out of university and have thought, I wish I'd donethat.

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