Diet Plans. I'vebeen very busy revamping and editing my new graphics, so I hope you enjoy the new thingsthat are added to this presentation.Now today's topic is The Best Diet for Fat Loss.So, what exactly constitutes the perfect formula for losing weight? Is it low carb? Is it lowfat? It is the Mediterranean style diet. Is it high protein? What about intermittent fasting?Anyone tried veganism? How about vegetarianism?The list goes on and on and on. So without further ado, the answer is... all of them.Now, why do I say this? How is that that every single diet can be the correct answer? Well,the answer is actually pretty simple. It all comes down to energy balance.
Eat too muchand you'll gain weight, don't eat enough to fuel your body and you'll lose weight. It'sreally that simple guys.However, having that knowledge about how to lose weight, and actually going about it aretwo completely different animals.So, How do you decide what diet is right for you? Well, it comes down to a few differentthings.
Number 1. Is it satiating enough? You can lose weight on an all Pop-tarts and Twinkiediet, but will that really fill you up? My guess is it probably won't.Fiber is going to be one of the most important things that you can consume when trying tostay full. And sadly, all our favorite sweets, candies and liquid sugars have slim to zerofiber. So, the question remains: what do you do?The best thing is to load up on fibrous veggies. Examples of these are broccoli, green beansand celery just to name a few. Again keep in mind, you can technically lose weight onan all candy diet, but you will feel terrible, perform terribly in the gym and you'll neverbe full.Calorie balance at the end of the day is king. But don't fool yourself into thinking thatyou can just eat as much junk food as you want, because eventually it will catch upto you.
Number 2. How sustainable is your diet? Is it something you can stick to for the longterm? Or is it just another extreme diet that you'll probably rebounding on and puttingall your weight back on.Time and time I see these guys, and it's really not worth it. Pick a diet you can stick tofor the rest of your life. Don't pick something that's just a quick fix, and you can't followfor an extended period of time.For example, I once knew a person who was on a 500 calorie celery diet. Yeah. Celery.All they basically do is drink water and eat a bunch of celery all day long. Now, besidesthe fact that this was completely unhealthy and they probably lost ton of muscle in theprocess, they went right back to their old eating habits after and just gained all theweight back that they've worked so hard to lose.This is no good guys. You need to pick something that you can stick with long term. There'sno point in even starting to diet if you look at it as a short term fix. Pick somethingthat you can do for years to come.
Number 3. Can you stay consistent with it? People will follow a diet for a couple a daysand think they deserve a cheat meal. This kind of thinking is just wrong.Let me explain what I mean. For example, let's say in a 500 calorie deficit; that means itwill take you 7 days to lose a pound of fat which is 3,500 calories.Now let's say three days in to your diet, you decide to have a foot long Subway sandwich.You deserve it right? This one time won't hurt. You couldn't be more wrong. A footlong Subway sandwich on average is around 800 calories. So, assuming you'll be eatingthe entire thing, you just ruined over half of your progress that you made over the lastthree days.Unfortunately, it is true, that it takes more days in a row being consistent with your dietthan it does to ruining your progress. So make sure you pick a diet you can stick with.If you haven't yet, then keep searching until you do. So, to summarize on the right wayon picking a diet, you should first, pick a diet that keeps you satiated throughoutthe day.Two, pick something that is sustainable long term. And last but not least, pick somethingthat you can stay consistent with.It's really that simple guys. It's all about calorie balance, and picking something thatyou can stick with long term.