Hairstyles 2016. How to do the angel wing combo. This hairstyle was inspired by Cithnia Truong. I'm gonna leave her link in the description box below so you can check her video out too, 'cause it's awesome. We mixed it up a little bit, but they're both cool. Now, big news. We've been telling you guys we had a special announcement, and here it is, we asked you guys last time whether you wanted vlogs or guest contributors, and you guys answered a ton, a ton, a ton, a ton. And it was really hard to choose, so we decided, what? We are going to start vlogging. But We are also gonna give you guest contributors. So everyone's a winner. So here's the new setup. Twice a month on Sundays we're gonna give you a vlog, and we're gonna call it Behind the Braids, so that is the family series Behind the Braids where you get a little snippet peek into our lives.
Twice a month we're gonna be here to show you guys our awesome hairstyles, and on top of that, every Thursday we're gonna be here with a guest contributor. We have two that are helping us out right now, Annie and Abby, and you may have seen them from their own channels, 'cause they are fantastic at hair. They have awesome hair, and they're great at doing DYIs, which I know you guys are gonna love 'cause you're asking me about that all the time. So be sure to come back on Thursdays and check out our new guest contributors as well. So, grand total is, you guys are gonna end up with six hair videos every month instead of four, plus you're gonna end up with two Behind the Braids vlog series videos.
So we're basically doubling our content for you guys. So yay! So be sure to come back, check us out on Thursday, and give us a thumbs up, leave a comment telling me what you guys want to see us vlogging. And let's go to the hair. Okay, the first thing you're gonna do on this hairstyle is pull back two sections of hair and secure 'em with an elastic right here near the middle of the head. Now you can see that we've added just a little bit of microtexture into her hair just for volume. You don't have to do that, you can use curls, anything like that will work. Now we're gonna take a small piece right here on this side of the elastic, just a little small piece is fine. And we're going to gently reach our fingers down in between and grab that piece, over the front, pull it up, and then slide it down through. So it kind of creates a little half knot. We're gonna do the same thing with some hair on this side. So I'm going to gently reach under here, try not to mess up the hair in the process, that's the only trick. Grab that hair, bring it up, and tuck it back down and through. And then just tighten these down like this, and you can re-tuck anything that you know you goobered in the process. Tighten 'em up, I'm gonna use a little elastic that matches her hair to just secure the entire thing, so that that won't loosen up and that will hide it.
So you have this nice little half hitch knot right there to cover the elastic. Now we're gonna go to this side of the hair. We're gonna just pick up a small little piece right by the ear, and again, I'm gonna take my fingers underneath the hair, and I'm gonna go up probably three quarters of the way and make a little hole. And I'm gonna take this hair that I had, switch here, and go up, and pull it through. Just like that. Now I'm gonna do the same thing again, but I'm not gonna go up quite as far the second time, so my fingers are gonna be less far up. Grab another little piece of hair like this, and pull it through. And I'm gonna do it one more time, and again, move down just a little bit and then grab another piece of hair again and flip it up and over. And through.
Like this, now you can smooth everything down and gently tug to kind of tighten things up, like this, and we want it to just add, what it does is it kind of layers and staggers the steps of the hair and it sort of creates that angel wing pattern that we're looking for and creates that one side, so can you see that? Now we're gonna repeat on this side. Okay, when you're finished, this is what I think looks like angel wings, and this is the portion that was inspired by Cinthia. And you can find her link in the description box below to the video she did. If you're gonna leave it like this you would just stick a little bobby pin right here and right here to help hold those sides secure. We're gonna mix it up a little bit. You could certainly leave it down, but just for fun, we wanted to add a little braid at the bottom 'cause I like lots of texture in my combo hairdos. So I'm actually gonna just divide her hair into two pieces and start a fishtail braid, and I think this is just gonna be really fun with the texture that's in her hair right now, and the fullness and stuff, I think it's just gonna look really awesome. So we're gonna do that. When we're done with the fishtail we're just gonna secure it with an elastic. You can see that the microtexture I added to her hair just really puffs her hair up a bunch, makes it really thick and full, and really fun and pretty.
Then I'm just going to literally just loosen it all up a bit, pancake it, and there you have the combo portion. Okay, let's do the final spin on this fun angel wing combo. Extra volume today in Kamry's hair. And be sure you guys come back on Thursday to check out the first video on a Thursday that's gonna be hair from our guest contributors. Be sure to give this video a thumbs up if you're excited about both the vlogs and the contributors, and leave a comment below telling us what you would like to see in some of our first vlogs. We'll see you guys next Sunday. Bye guys. - Bye.