Tuesday, March 22, 2016

4 Tips on "How to Grow Healthy Organic Bananas"

I'm gonna be given you 4 Tips on How to Grow Healthy Banana tip number-one fertilization a lot of people think that you actually don't need to feed or fertilizer banana plants and in reality this is true you just might have been an let it go it will produce a rack of bananas but if you want a really healthy the rack of bananas you want a really healthy plants that is going to resist disease then you need to feed it what we do is about every six months we do a top dressing compost and NPK nitrogen phosphorus potassium in the early stages a banana growth you wanna go heavier on your nitrogen and once you see a rack of bananas actually forming then you wanna start going heavier on your potassium and phosphorus phosphorus helps with the fruiting of the plant I'm it's really important to do this on a regular schedule and then we also do monthly or bimonthly we do a nice NPK foliar spray of course we're always using organic here on the farmer make our own fertilizers but by yourself some nice organic fertilizers.

And do a nice foliar spray once a month once every other month this is really going to help with the healthy of your banana tip number two leaf cleaning your banana trees are constantly going to be producing brown leaves there is two reasons why this happened one is it's a natural process you know as the leaves continue to grow from the center the older leaves start to die off and fall away we want to keep these clean off the plant obviously the more cleanly keep the plant the more energy it's gonna have to give to where we want to go which is our fruit the other reason you're to get browning in the leaf is from some type a disease I'm one of the most common ones is called Sigatoka what happens is your leave start browning from the tip and they turned a brownish yellow color anytime this disease is present in your banana plant it really affects the energy output.

And really sucks a lot of energy away from the plant and it's not going in your for production what we want to do though it's really important to keep our leave as much intact as we can because the leaves are our solar arrays right they're collecting the sun's energy they are turning that energy through the plant and they're creating our beautiful big rack bananas so anytime we see the tip at the leaves start to brown yellow from the Sigatoka we want to come along and we just wanna clean the tip just the part that brown and leave all the green part of the leaf intact and you're gonna you're gonna cut it right along with stem you just get a nice sharp on blade on the end of a stick you hit that stem that tip of that leaf will come right off tip number three removal baby banana plants want to plant a banana your clump is going to continue to grow and expand and its gonna continuously put of babies these are called the hijos here in Costa Rica the thing that we want to keep in mind is we want to keep 3 healthy banana trees per clump of so one good way to remember it is Son Father Grandfather okay.

And so anytime you see your fourth hijo aur baby coming up you want to remove that what that's going to do again is your banana plant only has so much energy you put out right so if you start having too much competition between too many banana plants in one clump you're not going to get big healthy racks so when you see your fourth banana emerging you come in there what you want to do is come on inside closest to the clump and you want it with that a nice sharp shovel all and you just kinda cut and down motion like you're gonna dig it out and you cut that come underneath it and just pop it out okay now it doesn't matter if you cut the the little roots that are going on that you can actually remove those routes before replanting happen and in another location you want to dig that out you clean it up clean up the bass replanted another spot and you can have a whole nother other banana plant tip number four removing banana fingers so many explain a little bit about the anatomy other banana rack.

I'm basically we have I long stem that grows down and all you're what we call hands are growing along that stem now a trick we can do in order to you really get your bananas to plump out and get more weight on them is we can go down to the very bottom hand on that's damn over India's we're gonna remove all the fingers the fingers are the bananas or remove all the fingers except for one finger what that's going to use its gonna take all the energy and send that up the stem and all those other hands on it and you're going to end up with much more weight and quality for your bananas a couple tips on how to know when to do that basically what you want to look for start observing your bananas are gonna start of really curled at some point in their life cycle a starter straight out we want to cut those fingers before that straining happens I'm another way to do it is when your bananas are growing their growing the hands are continuously growing along the stem when that final hand grows the stem itself is just gonna continue to a long gate below that want once you see that happen cease your final hand come out about three weeks after that is the perfect time to cut those fingers thanks again everyone for supporting us thanks for helping us spread permaculture across the planet

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