Wednesday, March 9, 2016

4-Strand French Braid Pinback | Cute Girls Hairstyles

Today we're gonna show you how to do this awesome 4-strand French braid pin back, which is a fantastic hairstyle for those quick back-to-school mornings that we're all just about to face again. Now, if you love all of our videos be sure to give us a thumbs up and be sure to subscribe to our videos so that you don't miss any. And, let's get going. To begin I did a side-part on her, like a deep side-part. And then I parted behind her head about an inch above her ears and then I stopped. I have sort of this rectangular shaped section. I'm gonna take the rest of her hair and just kind of secure it out of the way so that it doesn't get intermixed into our braid right now. I'm gonna go back up to the top and I'm going to just grab a little piece of the top hair here. 

I'm going to break that into four pieces. So one, two, three, and four. So now you have your four strands that you're going to be working with. I'm gonna number them like this, one, two, three, and four, from left to right. You're gonna take piece number one and go under number two and over number three. Then you're going to stop for a minute. Then you're gonna go to this piece, number four, and it's going to go over number three and under number two. So you're just switching all the different hairs into different locations. 

But essentially if you just remember that this side, the left side, is always going to start by going under, so it goes under and then over. And the right piece is always gonna go over and then under. It'll be easy. So this outside piece, you're gonna pick up hair and add it in to that little piece right here. Now remember this one's going under, so under number three, over number two, and then we stop. Pick up hair and add it in to that outside edge. This one goes over all the time. So it goes over and then back under. Like that. And then we stop. Add in hair, it goes under and then over and stop. Add in hair and this side goes over, and it doesn't really matter how your fingers choose to hold it as long as you're getting that same pattern going, that same repetition. 

Now what you'll start noticing is that this strand right here, number three, it just interweaves, it never goes to the outside. All of the others end up falling to the outside at some point and getting more hair added in but this little one doesn't. So you'll start seeing this little ribbon of hair going through. Now when you get to this point, I've run out of hair to pick up and add in, so I'm just going to start doing a regular four-strand braid. Again, I'll show you right here. I have my four-strand, one, two, three, and four, and it's the same pattern. Under and then over, then this outside piece goes over and then under and then under, over. So I'm gonna get to there and I can see that piece in the middle, I'm about to lose it. You can see it's getting really short. I'm going to secure it with an elastic right here and then release the rest of her hair and pin it back. But before I do that I want to make it really pop. You can leave it like this, it's nice and tight. But I actually like to go back and pop that outside edge right here by pancaking that top piece like this, so that it really over-accents that top edge. And this is just personal preference. You don't have to do this if you don't want to. Then I'm going to just lift a little section of hair right here. This is why I leave a little piece down by their ears, because I find that it just looks softer, more natural looking. Take a couple bobby pins, turn her so you can see. And make sure I cross them. Help hold that in place, and then let the hair fall over the top to help hide those bobby pins for us. And we are done. Final spin.

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